Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chilly weekend - so lots of cooking!

I love to cook when it is chilly in the house.  And I love to cook on the weekend, sometimes making things we will eat later in the week. 
Saturday I kept busy in the kitchen.  First I made some Cabbage Soup.  I had a bag of cole slaw mix that was in the frig in the garage and it started to freeze so went looking for a soup recipe.  I did not use any one recipe but combinations of several and some of my own ideas to come up with my recipe.

 I got the soup done in time to have some for my lunch on Saturday - it was wonderful!  Had more tonight with some of the Pepper Jack Scones leftover from Saturday evening.
And that brings me to the next recipe.  I found a recipe on Pinterest for cheddar and chive scones.  I did not have cheddar cheese but had a block of pepper jack so used that and omitted the chives. 

These were a big hit with everyone. I can't wait to try some other flavors - both sweet and savory.  Surprisingly, one of my daughters does not care for biscuits but she likes scones. 

Along with the scones, I made some Zucchini Mini Quiches for supper on Saturday.  I had 3 zucchini from the co-op last week and even with doubling the batch, I only used one of them so I will have to find some other uses for the 2 that I have left.

The mini quiches were really a recipe I found on Pinterest for Zucchini Tots but mine were more like a quiche.  Everyone liked them - just not what I was expecitng.   I may make these again with what zucchini I have since the recipe said you could freeze them after baking by placing on a backing sheet and then place in a freezer bag. Bake from the freezer (do not let them thaw). 
So with all that good eating, I need to go work out - do some Sweatin to the Oldies.  Tomorrow starts the last week of the Wellness Wins challenge at work and I have exceeded the weight loss goal so I want to behave and not gain any this week.  I should get the full $200 this year - woo-hoo!!! Of course, I already have it spent on Stampin Up products from the new catalog.  But at least I will have that extra money coming in.

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