Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday Menu - oops!

I thought I already posted this - oops!

Sunday -
Barbecue Turkey sandwiches
Butter beans

Monday -
Celebration dinner - for DD17's grade improvement during third quarter
Sushi and hibachi shrimp at a local restaurant

Celebration dinner - for a huge project at work - the VP is treating the team to a nice dinner
Steak Tenderloin
Baked Potato
Grilled Portobello

Subway - family appt at 6 pm so will grab a quick sandwich at Subway before that

Chicken Parm (Freezer Meal)

Enchilada Pie
Lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, taco sauce

Saturday - in Topeka

Sunday - Cooking for sister-in-law (new mom) in Topeka
Red and green lasagne
Dinner roll

Not a good week for Weight Watchers but so far I have not done too bad. Not only are we eating out more this week but we had a major upgrade at work that I coordinated - and when I am stressed I want to EAT! I did walk up to the the coffee shop but nothing looked good enough to waste the points - so I went back to my office empty handed.

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