My daughters (16 and 18) and my sisters spent some time together over spring break. We went into NYC one day and walked Seventh Ave (Fashion Ave) and Fifth Ave. Then saw Hairspray at the Neil Simon theater. We all loved the play but the girls especially loved the male lead as he was someone they 'knew' from the show Making the Band which they watched every week back in the 90's. After the show they were able to get their pictures taken with him and the female lead. It was a memorable day for all.
The online charity stitchers group that I moderate was able to get a quilt out to a woman with cancer. She passed to heaven within days after receiving this gift of love. We pray that the quilt comforted her and will continue to comfort her family as a reminder of her and the love of others.
You can see the quilt at Lighthouse Quilt.
Well, off to more stitching between printing invitations to a Women's Tea at church, writing thank yous and probably doing some sewing on a dress for my DH18's Renaissance Fair at school. And have to take DH16 to an appointment this morning, look for a prom dress and then cat to the vet this afternoon. So I'm off and running!